Back in the early 80’s, there were only a handful of repeaters on the 440 Mhz Amateur band. All of these were independently owned and operated-NONE of them were Club sponsored.
The repeaters and their calls:
442.15 WAØLHK (Now WØLHK)
442.20 NØCHT (SK)
443.40 NØAW
444.10 WBØFAQ
Around 1983, a few more were co-ordinated and came on the air.
444.55 NØBIW (now KØXM)
444.975 NØEUH (Now WØNQX);
442.25 WDØGXL (Now KØGXL)
About this time one of the local clubs decided to put a 440 machine on the air at a commercial site. Some of the “high and mighties” in the club were saying that since they had a commercial site, all of the other machines on UHF were “backyard repeaters”. Hearing this phrase, and not caring about the MIGHTY 25, Chuck-NØBIW (now KØXM), and Bob-NØEUH, took the phrase and wanted to make it a positive thing. We decided to have FUN and remember this was a hobby and not a lifestyle. We were bound and determined that if ANYONE ANYWHERE needed assistance in any aspect of the hobby, we would offer our assistance. On that day the BYRG was formed. The original members were NØBIW, NØEUH, WAØLHK, NØCHT, KØLW, KC3OL, WBØAAQ, N4MSE, KDØFW (now WØMB) and WDØGQA. To this very day, the original purpose of the BYRG stands true: To remember that this is a hobby, have fun doing it, be there if needed, and that PACKET STILL SUCKS!!!!
73 Chuck/ KØXM